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1.1 The role and place of the lexical aspect in teaching English
1.2 Requirements of the school curriculum to the volume of lexical material
1.3 Principles of choosing lexical material
1.4 The active and passive vocabulary
2.1 Methodological bases of vocabulary teaching
2.2 Ways of teaching antonyms
2.3 Ways of teaching synonyms
2.4 Ways of teaching gestures and mimes
Vocabulary is an important part of the English teaching process. It is supposed to be a very effective communicative device as it carries the highest level of importance within peoples´ verbal interaction.
However, language itself is not only individual lexemes put together, but it is necessary to follow a set of grammar rules to assure correct comprehension of speaker’s intention.
The aim of this coursework was to identify the most effective methods and techniques of teaching vocabulary by using antonyms, synonyms, gestures and mimes at the English language lessons.
For achieving the goal we solved the following tasks:
1)We identify the role and place of the lexical aspect in teaching English.
Vocabulary forms the central core of language learning. We need words to express our thoughts and ideas. We also need words to point objects and describe things. Lack of vocabulary is a major handicap for the learners of English as a second language. They fumble for words when they have to express an idea either in writing or in speech. An important objective of teaching a language is to develop vocabulary of the learners and help them to comprehend the meaning of words and sentences.
1.Пассов Е. И., Кузнецова Е. Е. Проблема навыков и умений в обучении иностранным языкам. Учебное пособие. Воронеж: НОУ «Интерлингва», 2002.
2.Harmer, Jeremy: The Practise of English Language teaching, Longman, 1993
3.Hymes, D. H. 1981. On communicative competence. In The communicative approach to language teaching. (ed.) C. J. Brumfit and K. Johnson. Oxford: Oxford University Press
4.Krashen, Stephen: Principles and Practice in second language acquisition Logman,1993
5.Nunan David: Language Teaching Methodology, a textbook for teachers Longman, 2000
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