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1 The basic concepts of phraseology and idiomatic units
1.1 The subject and the goals of phraseology
1.2 The types of phraseological units
1.3 The concept of the phraseological system
2 The development of students language awareness on the base of using idioms in classes
2.1 Pedagogical implications
2.2 Focus on authentic speech and idiomatic language in classes
The phraseological fond of the English language is so great that its complete study cannot be fitted into the limits of the given work. Nevertheless, we can clearly see how the phraseological units of the modern English language given as examples in this work vary in their semantics and expression. The writers and poets of Great Britain and other countries of the world helped to enrich the English phraseological fond by means of their works. However, we should not deny the fact that a great number of phraseological units came to the English language from history and culture of different countries
1 Алехина А.И. Фразеологическая единица и слово. - Минск, 1991, 119 с.
2 Амосова Н.Н. Основы английской фразеологии. - Л.: Наука, 1989, 97 с.
3 Аничков И.Е. Труды по языкознанию. - СПб: Наука, 1997, 209 с.
4 Бабкин А.М. Русская фразеология, ее развитие и источники. - Л.: Наука, 1990, 126 с.
5 Виноградов В.В. Об основных типах фразеологических единиц в русском языке. - М.: Наука, 1986, 179 с.
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English phraseology and idiomatic in the historical aspectПереводческое дело | Курсовая работа | 2013 | 2000подробнее |