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Chapter I. Essense of the communicative method by teaching a foreign language
1.1 Communication as a communicative unit
1.2 History of the communicative method by teaching a foreign language
1.3 The essence and principles of the communicative method by teaching foreign languages
Chapter II. Practical use of the communicative method by teaching a foreign language
2.1 Recommendations for practical use of the communicative method by teaching a foreign language
2.2 The lesson plan on the theme "When you have time to spare .»
List of references
During the work it was found that the top spot in the popularity rating methodologies actively keeps the communicative approach, which, as its name suggests, is aimed at the practice of communication.This method is intended in the first place, to remove the fear of communication. A man armed with a standard set of grammatical structures and vocabulary of 600-1000 words will easily find a common language in a foreign country. This method is focused on the development of not only language skills but also creativity and general outlook of students. Language is closely intertwined with the cultural characteristics of the country, therefore, the study of language certainly includes regional studies aspect.
1.Bagramova NV Communicative and interactive approach as a way to enhance the mastery of a foreign language // Materials XXXI Scientific and Technical Conference of professors and graduate students. - Issue 18 - p. 3-6.
2.The choice of teaching methods in high school. / Ed. Yu.K.Babanskogo. - M .: Education, 1981.
3.Denisov LG, Mezenin SM, Snowball English - M., 2000, "Education".
4.Winter IA Psychological aspects of teaching speaking a foreign language. - M., 1989. - 222
5.Kolker YM Practical methods of teaching a foreign language - Moscow, 2000.
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Communicative method by teaching a foreign language to secondary scholers Переводческое дело | Курсовая работа | 2016 | 2000подробнее |