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Эта курсовая работа была успешно защищена в одном из казахстанских ВУЗов.
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1.1 The linguistics peculiarities of lexical skills in foreign languages
1.2 The ways of teaching lexical skills
1.3 The effective system of forming lexical skills at the English lesson
2.1 Exercises of forming lexical skills in English language
2.2 Methodical peculiarities of teaching lexis by different games
The aim of this coursework was to identify the most effective methods and techniques for the development of the language lexical skills at the English language lessons.
For achieving the goal we solved the following tasks:
1.We defined the linguistics peculiarities of lexical skills in foreign languages and found that there are eight types of lexical units: International and borrowed words; Derivatives and compound words which components are familiar; The words, the amount of meanings is not contrary to the semantic volume of words in the target language; the words that are specific in their content to the target language; the words with the common root in the native language but different in content; the words and phrases, where individual components are known, but idiomatic and different in meaning; the words, the amount of which is broader than the meanings of the corresponding word in the native language; the words, the scope of which is narrower than in the native language.
1.Пассов Е. И., Кузнецова Е. Е. Проблема навыков и умений в обучении иностранным языкам. Учебное пособие. Воронеж: НОУ «Интерлингва», 2002.
2.Щерба Л.В. Преподавание иностранного языка в школе. М., 2007, с.44.
3.Филатов В. М. Методика обучения иностранным языкам в начальной и основной общеобразовательной школе. Учебное пособие для студентов педагогических колледжей. Ростов-на-Дону: 2004.
4.Верещагина И.Н., Рогова Г.В. Методика обучения английскому языку на начальном этапе в общеобразовательных учреждениях. –М.: Просвещение, 1998. –С.17-35.
5.Рогова Г.В., Рабинович Ф. М. Методика обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе. – М.: Просвещение, 2008.
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Эффективные методы развития лексических навыков Педагогика | Курсовая работа | 2016 | 2000подробнее |