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1 The ways of expressing negation on different linguistic levels
1.1 The syntactic level
1.2 The lexical level
1.3 The morphological level
1.4 The implicit ways of expressing negation
2 The analyses of the peculiarities of translation of English proverbs with the adverb “never”
The purpose of the given work is the study of the ways to express negation in the English language structure. First of all, there was an analysis of the works of local and foreign linguists devoted to this problem. Taking into the account that there is divergence of opinions on the given problem, in this work there is an overview on the most widespread points of view belonging to the most outstanding researchers. Having studied the theoretical foundation of the research and having applied the methods mentioned in the introduction, we have solved a variety of tasks formed in the introduction. We can make the following conclusions in accordance with the findings.
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3 Мантыева Б.А. Отрицание в понятийной и языковой картине мира в личностном и художественном дискурсе (на материале произведений Б. Рассела «Почему я не христианин», «Почему я рационалист», «Я атеист или агностик?», В. Вулф «Миссис Дэллоуэй», И. Во «Возвращение в Брайдсхед»): автореф. ... дис. канд. фил. наук / Б.А. Мантыева, МГУ – Москва , 2006. – 21 с.
4 Ахманова О.С. Словарь лингвистических терминов. Изд. 3-е, стереотипное. – М.:Комкнига,2005.– 303 с.
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