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1 Characteristic and Main Features of Grammatical Metaphors in English
1.1 The Notion and Content of Grammatical Metaphor
1.2 Classification of Grammatical Metaphor
1.3 Nominalisation as a Feature of Grammatical Metaphor
1.4 Ideational and Interpersonal Grammatical Metaphor
2 Analysis of Grammar Metaphor in English language
2.1 Metaphorical Expressions Used in English
2.2 Metaphors in Text
2.3 Analysis of Grammatical Metaphor Usage
In conclusion let’s give a notion of grammatical metaphor again: Halliday’s notion of metaphor is understood as a word used for something resembling that which it usually refers to. Grammatical metaphor is understood as a marked morphosyntatic realization of a given semantic configuration. In this respect, we have argued that to name it “grammatical metaphor” involves producing a contextual abnormality; it entails assigning the name “metaphor” to examples which are but marked morphosyntactic variations.
1 Black, M. 1955. ‘Metaphor’. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 55: 273-294.
2 Chang, Chenguang. The Rebuilding of Grammatical metaphor and experience [J]. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 2001, Vol. 1.
3 Christine Brooke-Rose (1958), A Grammar of Metaphor. Secker & Warburg.
4 David E. Cooper (1989), Metaphor. Oxford: Blackwell.
5 Donald Davidson (1978), What Metaphors Mean. Reprinted in Inquiries Into Truth and Interpretation (1984). Oxford, Oxford University Press.
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Specific Features of Grammatical Metaphor in the English LanguageПереводческое дело | Курсовая работа | 2013 | 2000подробнее |